Industrial Products

Sterne Kessler’s industrial products team helps a diverse range of companies protect and defend innovations that enable business to do more with less.

Industrial products help companies do more with less—less power, smaller footprint, and lower cost. While the sector is large and diverse, the intellectual property challenges are similar regardless of company size. Our multi-disciplinary team approaches IP as a business, financial, and competitive asset to be protected, managed, and enforced for maximum value.

Industry convergence and leapfrogging technologies are creating pressure on companies to take a closer look at exploiting and protecting their intellectual capital. Buying, selling, and licensing intellectual assets can reduce risk, accelerate time-to-market, and offer real competitive advantage. At the same time, protecting intellectual property from infringement is critical. Ultimately, leveraging innovation is key.

Our experience spans a diverse range of sectors. A few examples include:

  • Agricultural machinery
  • Construction, mining and other heavy equipment
  • Fluid control equipment, pumps, seals and valves
  • Foodservice and food retail equipment
  • Lighting and other fixtures
  • Packaging and containers
  • Rubber and plastic products

Because the industry and our industrial products clients are diverse, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team of attorneys and technical professionals with academic and industry experience in areas such as chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, aeronautics, and industrial and systems engineering. The team is integrated across all IP functions, including patent prosecution (including former U.S. patent examiners), licensing and transactional support, litigation in all venues, and overall IP strategy.

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