Director Uma Everett spoke on the panel “Maximizing Value: IP Enforcement & Monetization Strategies” at The IP Strategy Summit hosted by CenterForce in New York on November 20, 2024.

Session Overview

In a rapidly evolving market, failing to effectively and efficiently monetize your intellectual property assets can mean losing out on significant revenue and falling behind competitors. This panel delved into the multifaceted strategies for monetizing IP, including selling and leveraging IP for financial gain. Additionally, it covered essential enforcement practices to protect IP rights and ensure that monetization efforts are not undermined by infringement or misappropriation.

The panel explored:

  • Actionable insights to unlock the full potential of a IP portfolio
  • Techniques to generate revenue through successful IP litigation and settlement agreements
  • Best practices for monitoring the market to detect potential IP infringements
  • What legal action and remedies to pursue for the most benefit

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